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Industry Advisors

NameHONG Hao

Title: Managing Director and Chief Strategist of BOCOM International

Company introduction:  BOCOM International is one of the largest Chinese investment banks and securities trading institutions in Hong Kong. BOCOM International has a strong banking background, rich past performance and valuable international capital market operation experience as well as high-quality international professionals and an excellent management team.

Research field: Macroeconomic analysis, Strategy research and Global equity analysis.

Working experiences and achievements: CFA. Mr. HONG previously served as Chief Global Strategist and Executive Director of China International Capital Corporation (Beijing), Global Market Strategist of Citigroup (New York), Morgan Stanley Asia Pacific Equity Analyst (Sydney) and Managing Director of BMC China Research (New York) . He has engaged in investment analysis for over ten years and well masterd quantitative investment analysis logic from a global perspective.

Academic achievements: Mr. HONG has been a columnist of FTChinese.com for many years. He used to publish an article Price-to-Whatever Ratio:A Bubble Scenario, and recently he has published an important book called Forecast: Economy, Cycle and Market Bubble, in which he systematically studies the reasons for the formation of economic and market cycles, and the laws of operation, and makes new expositions on macroeconomic theories, such as classicism, neoclassicism and Keynesianism.
