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题目:Endogenous Skills and Labor Income Inequality

摘要:How much does inequality in life depend on conditions established at age 18? What role does post-18 higher education play? I use an education choice model with exogenous conditions from family wealth, established human capital at age 18 and shocks to human capital to examine these questions. Family wealth and established human capital at age 18 determine the post-18 education choices. Education builds up human capital and reduces future earnings volatility. Absent this transmission channel, previous studies dramatically underestimate the importance of initial family wealth in explaining lifetime earnings inequality. My model finds that family wealth at age 18 explains up to 15% of lifetime earnings inequalities, and human capital at age 18 explains 72%. Policy counterfacutals that encourage college education by providing financial aid reduce inequality and improve welfare.

时间:2018年12月26日 星期三 12:00 – 13:30




报告人简介:美国St. Lawrance University经济系助理教授,美国俄亥俄州立大学经济学博士,研究方向为宏观-劳动经济学,收入不平等,人力资本,经济周期等。

上一篇:邀您参会|中国银行原副行长王永利《世界金融大变局下的中国选择》新书发布会(1月12日) 下一篇:人大重阳“中国财税研究报告”第7期 《中国各地区财政发展指数2018年报告》发布会