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Day 1

Date and Time:

7:45pm – 10pm U.S. EDT, June 14, 2022 (7:45am – 10am Beijing Time, June 15, 2022)

Workshop Venue: online via Zoom

7:45pm – 7:50pm,Introduction by Jun Ma, Professor of Economics, Northeastern University

7:50pm – 8:00pm,Welcome Remarks by Chengsi Zhang, Deputy Dean, School of Finance

Paper 1

8:00pm – 8:45pm

Keynote speaker:John Y. Campbell,

Morton L. and Carole S. Olshan Professor of Economics, Harvard University

Title:The Cross-Section of Household Preferences

Paper 2

8:45pm – 9:15pm

Presenter:Jing Cynthia Wu,

Dillon Hall Associate Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame

Title:Unconventional Monetary Policy According to HANK

Discussant:Meng Miao

Paper 3

9:15pm – 9:45pm

Presenter:Meng Miao, Renmin University of China

Title:Resolving Financial Distress Where Property Rights Are Not Clearly Defined: The Case of China

Discussant:Jing Cynthia Wu

Day 2

Date and Time:

7:45pm – 10pm U.S. EDT, June 15, 2022 (7:45am – 10am Beijing Time, June 16, 2022)

Workshop Venue: online via Zoom

7:45pm – 7:50pm,Introduction by Jun Ma, Professor of Economics, Northeastern University

7:50pm – 8:00pm,Welcome Remarks by Chengsi Zhang, Deputy Dean, School of Finance

Paper 4

8:00pm – 8:45pm

Keynote speaker:Luis M. Viceira,

George E. Bates Professor of Finance, Harvard Business School

Title:Retail Investors’ Contrarian Behavior Around News, Attention, and the Momentum Effect

Paper 5

8:45pm – 9:15pm

Presenter:Drew Creal,

Patrick J. O’Malley III and Christine A. O’Malley Associate Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame

Title:Sovereign Credit and Exchange Rate Risks: Evidence from Asia-Pacific Local Currency Bonds

Discussant:Zehao Liu

Paper 6

9:15pm – 9:45pm

Presenter:Zehao Liu, Renmin University of China

Title:A Network Theory of Safety Premium

Discussant:Drew Creal


How to join the meeting?

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