


题目:Public Education Policy, Population Control Policy and the Trade-off between Quantity and Quality of Children

时间:2015年9月23日 星期三     12:00 – 14:00


报告人: 孙伟

摘要:Using a quantity-quality trade-off frameworkin which parents consider the joint decisions of fertility and children’s education, we quantitatively evaluate the impact of public education policy, population control policy and their interaction on economic development and income inequality. We show that population control policy in general increases GDP growth while the effect of public education policy is ambiguous. In addition, both policies could reduce income inequality. Lastly, we calibrate our model using China’s one child policy and nine-year compulsory education policy. We find both policies contribute to China’s high growth rate in the past decades.

报告人简介:孙伟,中国人民大学汉青经济与金融高级研究院助理教授。2010年在波士顿学院取得经济学博士学位。他当前的研究主要集中在公共经济学和财政经济学。他教授研究生阶段的金融经济学和货币经济学。曾在Journal of Comparative Economics等期刊上发文。

上一篇:【财税论坛】2015年第十二期(总第101期) 下一篇:【财税论坛】2015年第九期(总第98期)