
黄达-蒙代尔讲座:Financial Risk Theory for a Regulated In...


时间: 2009年10月28日上午10:30-12:00

地点: 明德主楼830 黄达-蒙代尔讲堂

Gary Parker教授简介:

Gary Parker,ASA,加拿大Simon Fraser大学精算统计系教授,1993年博士毕业于Heriot-Watt大学,曾任Genesis Development Company的精算师和Transamerica Life Canada Corporate Actuarial的经理,2003年就职Simon Fraser大学。在最优保险策略、保险公司偿付能力和监管、保险公司股东权益和保单持有人权益、保险风险管理技术等研究领域颇有建树,在著名的国际精算 杂志Insurance: Mathematics and Economics,Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, ASTIN Bulletin, North American Actuarial Journal上发表相关学术论文十余 篇,并为ASTIN Bulletin的编委。Gary Parker教授担任多种行政职务和学术兼职,是Simon Fraser大学国际学生交换项目和EU-Canada精算学生交换项目的负责人,SOA精算考试出题人, CIA和SOA精算项目鉴定人,并任SOA加拿大分会委员、加拿大统计学会委员,SOA教育科研部成员、美国风险和保险协会委员,IAA委员和 Vancouver Sun的BC彩票和风险的第三方监管。Gary Parker教授热心教育和公益事业,多次组织SOA的会议,因其在保险精算领域作出的贡献曾获得SOA和加拿大精算协会的特别嘉奖。

内容提要:The talk based on a joint paper of the author and his coauthors. The purpose of their paper is to distinguish between an insurer’s economic ruin and ruin as defined in the classical risk theory literature. They derive the optimal economic ruin boundary for an insurer when regulation requires an immediate capital contribution to offset a capital deficit. This boundary establishes the financial conditions under which shareholders no longer add capital to a distressed insurer. They describe this event as economic ruin. Recognizing the possibility of economic ruin and the value of the abandonment option, they show that capital volatility is not a determinant of the insurer’s market value and that capital increases this value dollar for dollar.




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