


【本期主题】For-profit Organizations with a Mandated Social Mission: An Analysis of China’s Microcredit Companies

Organizations addressing dual and competing institutional demands may face a dilemma: satisfying one demand requires defying the other, thus potentially jeopardizing organizational legitimacy. This applies to China’s microcredit companies (MCCs): they are exposed to the social welfare logic held by the government and the commercial logic held by shareholders, the former prescribing the social goal of providing financial access to the under-banked, the latter the profit goal of attracting more investment to microcredit so that MCCs can ultimately transform themselves into licensed banks. We analyze the implications of conflicting institutional demands on the behavior of MCCs in their outreach to the poor, their internal processes, and the strategies mobilized to manage pressures to conform. Through a combination of quantitative and qualitative research, we obtain three main findings. First, judged by loan amount and lending methods, MCCs have made only limited progress toward the social goal. Second, as reflected in key areas of organizational life (such as workforce composition), MCCs are structured predominantly around commercial logic. Third, in response to conflicting expectations, MCCs embrace formal standards symbolically but decouple them from actual lending practices.

【报告人】 邱慈观       上海交通大学上海高级金融学院教授

【时  间】 06月24日    上午10:00

【地  点】明德主楼0509室


邱慈观教授祖籍上海, 出生台湾, 毕业于台湾大学,后赴美留学,获得哥伦比亚大学伦理学博士后选人和宾夕法尼亚大学金融学博士学位。她曾在美国加州州立大学任教, 在新泽西州企业界任职, 其后返台任教, 并在Delta Electronics 及台湾证券交易所等公民营机构担任顾问。目前她在上海交通大学上海高级金融学院 (SAIF) 担任全职教授,开发金融伦理学及微型金融等相关课程。

邱教授研究领域为普惠金融, 绿色金融, 金融业企业社会责任, 中国式企业伦理, 社会责任型投资等, 目前她授课专长亦在于此。邱教授善于表达, 长于互动, 深受学生爱戴, 历年来其卓越的教学能力为她带来多项大奖, 包括连续五年荣获台湾管理科学会教学特优奖, 连续六年荣获院级优良教师等。在研究方面, 邱教授近年所撰写的金融伦理学术论文, 刊登在Journal of Business Ethics等国际期刊。此外, 邱教授协助台湾证券交易所开发亚洲第一个企业社会责任数据库, 目前颇受瞩目。






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