


题目:On regional integration,  fiscal income, and GDP per capita

时间:2016年10月12日 星期三     12:00 – 13:30



摘要:This paper investigates the economic impacts of regional integration on a small jurisdiction in a dynamic fiscal competition environment. The trade-offs between the economic benefits and the loss of policy flexibility resulting from integration are analyzed from the perspectives of fiscal revenue and GDP per capita. Our results show that the small jurisdiction’s loss of flexibility in policy making can dominate the other effects of integration. Specifically, if the small jurisdiction’s efficiency in providing public inputs is originally sufficiently high (low), regional integration always reduces (improves) its net tax revenue, independently of the extent of efficiency improvement due to integration. However, when the small jurisdiction’s efficiency is originally intermediate, the impact on net revenue crucially depends on the magnitude of the efficiency effect. Our analysis also characterizes the trade-offs resulting from integration between policy flexibility, capital mobility and fiscal equalization.

报告人简介:Prof. Yutao HAN is associate professor in economics at University of International Business and Economics. She obtained her PhD in economics from the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Her main research interests lie in the fields of public economics, industrial organization, as well as dynamic optimization. Her current main research topics are about international tax competition and regional integration. She has published her work in international journals including Journal of Public Economics, Economic Inquiry, and Economic Letters.

上一篇:【财税论坛】2016年第16期(总第124期) 下一篇:【财税论坛】2016年第13期(总第121期)